Uses of blockchain
I. Financial Instruments, Records and Models
- Currency
- Private equities
- Public equities
- Bonds
- Derivatives (futures, forwards, swaps, options and more complex variations)
- Voting rights associated with any of the above
- Commodities
- Spending records
- Trading records
- Mortgage / loan records
- Servicing records
- Crowd-funding
- Micro-finance
- Micro-charity
II. Public Records - Land titles
- Vehicle registries
- Business license
- Business incorporation / dissolution records
- Business ownership records
- Regulatory records
- Criminal records
- Passports
- Birth certificates
- Death certificates
- Voter IDs
- Voting
- Health / Safety Inspections
- Building permits
- Gun permits
- Forensic evidence
- Court records
- Voting records
- Non-profit records
- Government/non-profit accounting/transparency
III. Private Records - Contracts
- Signatures
- Wills
- Trusts
- Escrows
- GPS trails (personal)
IV. Other Semi-Public Records - Degree
- Certifications
- Learning Outcomes
- Grades
- HR records (salary, performance reviews, accomplishment)
- Medical records
- Accounting records
- Business transaction records
- Genome data
- GPS trails (institutional)
- Delivery records
- Arbitration
V. Physical Asset Keys - Home / apartment keys
- Vacation home / timeshare keys
- Hotel room keys
- Car keys
- Rental car keys
- Leased cars keys
- Locker keys
- Safety deposit box keys
- Package delivery (split key between delivery firm and receiver)
- Betting records
- Fantasy sports records (!)
VI. Intangibles (?) - Coupons
- Vouchers
- Reservations (restaurants, hotels, queues, etc)
- Movie tickets
- Patents
- Copyrights
- Trademarks
- Software licenses
- Videogame licenses
- Music/movie/book licenses (DRM)
- Domain names
- Online identities
- Proof of authorship / Proof of prior art
VI. Other - Documentary records (photos, audio, video)
- Data records (sports scores, temperature, etc)
- Sim Cards
- GPS network identity
- Gun unlock codes
- Weapons unlock codes
- Nuclear launch codes (!)
Source: www.the-blockchain.com