B-Eleven 14 nm Hosted Bitcoin Mining Pre-Order

Hosted Bitcoin mining

Bitcoin Mining / May 4, 2019

Bitcoin ASIC Hosting is a fully service managed hardware co-location service. By Miners for Miners. Bitcoin mining equipment from GPU, FPGA and the latest ASIC have one common thread. You get the most hashing performance when your mining hardware’s environment is in an optimal ambient temperature range.

At Bitcoin ASIC Hosting we offer:

Unit Management:

We will manage your units around the clock with the most competitive electricity costs in the world.

Experienced Staff:

As experienced miners, we will maximize the hash-rate of your units with proper power, cooling, and the latest firmware and hardware upgrades. We will both increase your profitability as well as ours.


Only staff & approved personnel will have access to the hosting facility premises where mining hardware is located.


Provide customers with a secure User Account page to track the progress and payouts of their units, or mine directly to your own pool.

Source: bitcoinasichosting.com