One Bitcoin to USD
IPayYou, a Seattle-based Bitcoin wallet, just revealed ‘Amazon Direct’, a new way for consumers to spend bitcoin on the online retail giant’s site. The feature has been under development for months by iPayYou, whose CEO is Gene Kavner, a former worldwide director at Amazon.
The developers explains that Amazon Direct allows users to seamlessly transfer any dollar amount of bitcoin from their existing bitcoin wallet on iPayYou to Amazon. iPayYou has added a new Amazon Direct tab to the platform, where users can determine an amount of bitcoin to transfer. After specifying the destination account at Amazon.com, Amazon Direct becomes a one-click feature where users can exchange their funds from Bitcoin on iPayYou to USD on Amazon in seconds. Upon completion of the transfer, users will be able to purchase items as they please.
“Amazon Direct is the best way to spend bitcoin: after determining what you want on Amazon, you can ‘automagically’ transfer bitcoin from iPayYou to Amazon. Amazon Direct is revolutionizing the way consumers are able to spend their bitcoin by granting them access to buy more than 100 million products at the world’s largest store, ” said Kavner.
“During my time as an executive at Amazon, we closely studied the friction points and obstacles faced by shoppers, including and especially with payments. Bitcoin is a solution to so many of those problems, ” added Kavner. “That’s why today – in time for the holiday season –we’re launching the most direct way to spend bitcoin anywhere, starting with the world’s largest retailer.”
“We want bitcoin to be the everyday default currency. The only way for that to become a reality is to provide consumers with practical ways to spend their bitcoin — that is our grand mission, something the team at iPayYou is working tirelessly to achieve, ” concluded Kavner.