Make money trading cryptocurrency
With just a few dollars worth of Bitcoin you can start trading cryptocurrencies right now. There are no broker fees, there are no middlemen to deal with, nor really any barriers to entry or red tape. All you need is some percentage of a single Bitcoin. There is no reason not to try it out. If you can accept risking a few dollars, it’s a great way to get into cryptocurrency.
I started trading with less than $40 worth of Bitcoin.
I gradually traded my way up to 5.5 Bitcoin (worth over $5000 at the time) in less than a month or two. This isn’t to suggest that trading is something that’s easy or effortless. Losing money is an inevitable part of trading and investing, but you can certainly minimize risk and loses with the right strategies. The reality is that if trading were an easy, risk free way to make money, everyone would be a trader. However, if you’re a strategically minded person, patient, and able to research and analyze market trends, you’ll enjoy trading cryptocurrency.
But what is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is more than just a bunch of digital numbers that people have decided to use as money. The technology that was brought forth by Bitcoin is essentially a decentralized public ledger system, known as the Blockchain. This cryptographic Blockchain technology is what makes Bitcoin, Litecoin, Darkcoin, and other Bitcoin-alternatives a “cryptocurrency.”
Cryptocurrency is the real Occupy Wall Street
Being a decentralized ledger, the Blockchain can never be controlled or manipulated by a single institution. Its design makes transactions virtually error proof, and it can also do much more than just transfer the ownership of digital currency; it can be used for transferring assets and shares of companies, smart contracts, commodities, and escrow services. This technology will likely change the future of finance as we know it, democratizing financial markets while simultaneously eliminating “banksters.”
If you’re just getting your feet wet with cryptocurrency, all the technical jargon can seem overwhelming.
It’s important to learn, but for now, If you’re just interested in trading and investing, having a basic common-sense understanding of business, consumer demand, and economics is enough to give you an edge over other traders (at the moment). Most of the current batch of traders are early cryptocurrency adopters, cryptocurrency “miners, ” programmers, and basically people that are more tech savvy than business/market savvy.