How long does it Take to make 1 Bitcoin
118 TH/s are needed to mine 1 BTC per day, see or one of the other mining calculators or pull the raw math from .
Edit 1-oct-15: Difficulty increased, now it is 120.9 TH/s for 1 BTC/day.
Edit 21-May-16: Now 386.3 TH/s for 1 BTC/day. Incredible watching the bitcoin network scale so fast.
Edit 17-August-16: Now 864.5 TH/s for 1 BTC/day. With the halving, we are starting to see the mining hash rate move down a little as large amounts of unprofitable equipment are being taken offline. But all of the declines are being made up by new equipment coming online, with an amazing amount of power backing the network.
Edit 3-October-16: Now 959.3 TH/s for 1 BTC/day. Bitcoin is clearly unstoppable, even if we don’t know quite what we are going to be using it for. How long does bitcoin need to be around for people and businesses to trust it for the exchange of value?
Edit 25-October-16: Now 1009 TH/s for 1 BTC/day. The bitcoin network is now making 1, 790, 055, 274, 000, 000, 000 attempts per second to find the next block. This means the bitcoin blockchain is more secure than ever as bitcoin finishes out its eighth year of existence.
Edit 27-November-16: Now 1121 TH/s for 1 BTC/day, with the bitcoin network making 2, 140, 590, 815, 000, 000, 000 attempts per second to find the next block. Adding a graph to show just how dramatic the rise in support for bitcoin has been.
Edit 28-March-17: Now 1892 TH/s for 1 BTC/day! The network is currently making 3, 596, 936, 257, 000, 000, 000 attempts per second to find the next block. Mining as a measure of the worldwide support for bitcoin bodes well for the network and the currency.