Bitcoin wallet Generator
JavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Generator
Now Bitcoin addresses and their corresponding private key can be conveniently generated in a web browser.
The bitaddress.org project provides an all-in-one HTML document with embedded JavaScript/Css/Images. The JavaScript is readable not minified and contains no XMLHttpRequest's (no AJAX). The benefit of this technique is you can load the JavaScript locally and trust that the JavaScript did not change after being loaded.
Here is a link to the BitcoinTalk.org forum topic discussing this project:
Please send DONATIONS for this project to Bitcoin Address: 1NiNja1bUmhSoTXozBRBEtR8LeF9TGbZBN
- For Bulk Wallet I recommended using Google Chrome, it's the fastest.
- Requires IE9+, Firefox, Chrome or sufficient JavaScript support.
- Mobile Safari only works with iPhone4 or newer devices. Older devices timeout while executing JavaScript.
- DO NOT use Opera Mini it renders JavaScript output server side, therefore they might record the private key you generated.
- BIP38 most likely will not work on mobile devices due to hardware limitations.
The bitaddress.org project, software and embedded resources are copyright bitaddress.org.
The bitaddress.org name and logo are not part of the open source license.
Portions of the all-in-one HTML document contain JavaScript codes that are the copyrights of others. The individual copyrights are included throughout the document along with their licenses. Included JavaScript libraries are separated with HTML script tags.
Summary of JavaScript functions with a redistributable license:
JavaScript function | License |
Array.prototype.map | Public Domain |
window.Crypto | BSD License |
window.SecureRandom | |
window.EllipticCurve | |
window.BigInteger | |
window.QRCode | MIT License |
window.Bitcoin |
The bitaddress.org software is available under The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2011-2013 bitaddress.org