Start mining bitcoins
Register now for 0.07 (500 GHS) FREE 7 day trial!
Highest ROI
We offer one of the highest ROI's amongst all legitimate cloud mining services
Manual withdrawals
Withdraw as much as you like, whenever you wish
Real mining farm
Our payouts are sourced from real mining operations rather than customer funds
Helpful support
Our in-house support is experienced with Bitcoin and ready to help you at any time
Our mining facilities
Currently we operate from a single data centre in Finland with plans to open a second one in the end of 2016.
Our Bitcoin mining operation may not be the largest, however it is safe to say that we are at the top whenever it comes to profitability. Relentlessly working on highest possible returns from each kWh ensures our survival whenever the mining environment becomes harsh for less advanced miners.
Our mining hardware is partially in-house developed. At the moment, over 2000 THS can be deployed and sold instantly. With enough demand, this number can be promply increased.