Bitcoin mining Cloud computing
Our computers has very less power when we compare it to the difficulty level of mining and it's very hard to get one bit coin. But to overcome the second issue there are "pools". But still the first issue remains the same. The ordinary desktop computers doesn't perform in a good manner relative to "performance/costs spent for the hardware". But, Google has a variety of cloud computing services such as "compute" "bigdata" etc. Can we use those services to mine bit coins in a profitable manner? if not provide reasons. and what kind of gross profitability will be there if I use their services?. Or if there are any other paid virtual machines we can hire to get a decent profits?
Are there any people(not billionaires, who invest in billions on hardware but people who can invest fairly decent amount of money for servers etc) earn a gross profit and what their methods are to earn such profit
Further, I don't want to order specified hardware because when they arrive home, they will only be used as a room heater (eg: Butterflylabs). Furthermore, the recovery period of capital spend to buy those hardware is very long time, but within very short time, the bought hardware would be obsolete.