Best Bitcoin mining rigs
We understand that renting seems risky. Here at MRR we've put together tools that will help you make the right decision.
Paying with bitcoin makes renting easy. Simply fund your account and click to rent any rig you wish.Make rental choices based on "actual" hash rate. Our system tracks the complete hash rate history of all mining rigs. Hashrates are displayed in a convenient graph.
Also make use of the convenient Live Hashrate graphs on individual rig views, as well as a whole aggregate view of all rented rigs on your rental control panel!
We don't want you to only rely on stable hash rates, we've also implemented a rig rating system called RPI which helps you find the best rigs.
We at MRR pride ourselves in our support system, we take the time to review all finished rentals for low performance, so you can be assured that you are getting the best!
Unlike other services, our refunds are precisely calculated to return what you are owed in accepted shares vs. what was advertised.
Backup pools! Have you ever found yourself trying to be first during a coin launch only to find out your first pool choice isn't up and running? Our system lets you set up to 5 pools in a fail over.
Choices! We're committed to releasing rental channels for any and all active algorithms.
We employ an extremely active network of developers. Have a question? No problem, drop by irc.freenode.net and /join #miningrigrentals Alternatively, use our support ticket system!
Our backend proxy system is coded 100% in fast C++ which enjoys super fast reaction times to your pool, as well as enjoying 99.9% uptime.