NEPTUNE Bitcoin Miner
So while KNC just dropped news about the fastest scrypt miners goign out within a week – 300mhs Titans we will speak about KNC Neptunes – the faster sha256 miner on the planet for now. Batch2 just dropped few weeks ago yet seems some peopel had unusual issues. Ive reached them and compiled this article with full KNC Neptune Troubleshooting.
KNC Neptune 3th Miner Easy Setup Guide
Mainly to run the bitcoin miner you will need to buy 2 things:
– Ethernet cable [long enough to reach place where cubes will stay
– 2400 wat PSUs id suggest to get 2 big ones + one small or just 2 big ones. Check ie those on amazon EVGA ones
Then all you do is connect Knc Cubes [miner comes as 5 cubes, you can ie run just 1 or all 5 – doesnt matter], connect the controller and then connect controller with Cubes with those thin molex cables. It does look strange when you buy a miner and it comes as 5 miners 🙂 Side story is – controllers should be bigger to ie get cubes of friends and add them.
After this on LCD you will see IP of the miner, get on it, write your data and start mining.
My KNC Neptune is not working!
Okay but few people had issues and here is how to fix most of them before you run crying for a refund 🙂
1. Board doesnt see miners
This is due ot mollex not set right. Miner doesnt need electricty to be seen so PSU can be even turned off. I know this sounds odd as the task seems simple but for some reason you need to sometimes really push it hard to connect. It seems like in some cases literallyless than 1mm is missing for them to easily connect.
2. Board sees miners but they run slower than should
There can be 2 reasons – to wack PSU or you will have to restart miner [fro mthe panel] few times to catch up
3. Miners are not on right mhz setup
I started having this lately and its really irritating. Cubes should be at 475mhz in usual mode yet sometimes show at 50mhz or 100mhz and mine.. really bad. DO NOT OVERCLOCK THEM IN ADVANCED. I have no idea whats the reason of this bug but all that fixes it is: try few restarts, reset to default [you will have to reconfigurate], rebtoot. Rinse n repeat till it works.
4. After a bit of mining my PSU goes down
This is due to common mistake of using same cable from PSU for 2 miners. 1 cable = 1 miner. Thats it!
Neptune sha256 Miner Review
Waiting for Neptunes took really long time but i can say they are preety decent. Not too loud, sweet hashing power so id say its good to buy them now + its a decent idea to get their cloud hashing system too. The price is also not bad and of course this are hosted Neptune CUBES split – 1995 USD for 1 TH/s (6 months) ≈ 1.99 USD/GHs
(≈333 USD if calculated as a monthly expense). So either buy full fastest bitcoin miner on the planet right now, host it at home and mine what you want or go for their cloud and own p2pool – knccloud one. Unlike other cloud system they proove you get coisn from mining as you get p2p signs next to incoming coins.
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