What to spend Bitcoins on?
A New Beginning When Purse began in 2014, we had one mission: Make Bitcoin Useful. Not only can you browse and discount shop from one of the largest marketplaces in the world, you get so much more. You also get the satisfaction of being a savvy, sensible, purveyor of fine deals on the internet; spending one […]
Adding Tracking Info As always we’re continually working hard with each release to make your Purse online shopping experience with bitcoin a breeze. A key component of our platform are our Earners; the individuals who are liquidating gift card balances and completing your purchases so you can enjoy your discounts. When you place an order […]
Expansion to Promote Adoption Purse is excited to announce an extensive partnership that will help to spread our presence even further across the globe. We’re partnering with BlinkTrade, one of the leading, and fastest growing exchange networks in the world. Their network has exchange locations in key geographic areas where bitcoin adoption is expanding rapidly. Through this joint collaboration, […]
Out With The Old… Spring Break is coming for many college students which means Spring is right around the corner as well. This year, whether you’re preparing for the trip of lifetime with your best college friends for a cross-country Euro Trip; or you’re finally getting around to the that big backyard improvement project…Why not […]
Time to Open Shop Purse launched the ability for individuals to buy and sell new/used goods over a year ago with the initial launch of our Merchants platform. Since then, we’ve been hard at work on building out our backend infrastructure to scale and prepare for all the amazing ideas we have in store for […]
Teaming Up with Bity We’ve got a new partnership to unveil, so grab your passport – because this time Purse is going on a trip through the Swiss alps. We’re happy to announce we’re working directly with bitcoin exchange/gateway Bity.com, located in Switzerland. Bity is one of the leading exchanges in their region (accepting both EUR and CHF); serving […]
Enjoy Saving More Valentine’s Day is a day dedicated to love, and cherishing those closest to us — but here at Purse we love bitcoin. So, with things being a little shaky globally and emotions running high in the U.S — Purse wants to share a little love with everyone during these tough, sensitive times. We’re excited to […]
Discounts on Knowledge Knowledge is power, but sometimes knowledge can come at a cost. Enter bitcoin. Thanks in part to bitcoin, and to our discount marketplace, you too can acquire knowledge, on the cheap. Purse users’ love purchasing books on our service: books on programming, philosophy, mathematics, sci-fi, and even bitcoin itself (so meta). […]