Multiply your Bitcoins
Burst bubbles - multiply bitcoins. Just add a little ballance, pick the desirable bet amount and hit a bubble in the grid. Each bubble is a chance to win up to 10 times of your bet.
- Adaptive design, music, sound fx.
Payment/withdrawal is fully automatic.
The deposit is accepted instantly - 0 confirmations.
Withdrawal is possible after the deposit get 6 confirmations.Binding to the account using cookies. Registration is not required.
For the bursting of the bubble - random reward: your have a chance to get your bet multiplied from 1.1 up to 10 times. You loose your bet at every bubble without multiplier.
Built-in demo: first 100 bubbles free of charge.
This is a multi-user game, other people may play on the same grid with you.
Game grid reinitialise after every 1000 bubbles (watch "Bubbles remined" at page bottom)
The game generate a page of bubbles with fixed number of randomly placed rewards.
Game return 95% of payments as rewards.This is first public run, consider the game is still in beta status.
Provably fair ( [?] -> provably fair ) apr 18 - New Algorithm!