How to get Bitcoins easy?
Buying bitcoin is harder than it should be, which is why we at Coinbase have been working so hard to expand our services to more regions of the world, to accept more payment methods, and to process transactions as quickly as possible.
Over the past couple of years we’ve helped thousands of developers to build bitcoin applications. The most consistent and critical developer problem we’ve heard is how hard it is to find users with access to bitcoin. So, we built the Coinbase Buy Widget — the easiest and fastest way to buy bitcoin as a new user.
The Buy Widget is an easily embeddable and configurable hosted widget that delivers three key features:
- allows users to purchase bitcoin using debit cards
- instantly delivers bitcoin to an address specified by the user or the application
- a butter-smooth user experience
How does the Buy Widget improve the buying experience at Coinbase.com?
Without ever leaving the developer application, users can get bitcoin delivered directly into the address provided by the app. For new users, the Buy Widget flow features a very familiar debit card form and a seamless way to create a Coinbase account. For existing Coinbase customers, the purchase can be completed with as few as just 3 steps.
Developers who want their users to buy bitcoin into their apps can now do it with just a couple of lines of code instead of a full blown OAuth integration.
We are very excited about this new product. The Coinbase Buy Widget offers newcomers to bitcoin an easy way to try out more applications, helps developers grow their communities, and helps novel bitcoin use-cases flourish. If you are a developer and this sounds as exciting to you, please let us know and we’ll be in touch with you shortly. You can learn more about how it works here.
Selected Partners
We are excited to launch the Buy Widget alongside three great developer partners. Each partner represents a novel use for bitcoin, and we’re proud to have had their input into our product development.
Brave Browser
Brave users can buy bitcoin to support their favorite web sites (coming soon)
“We have a mission to save the web by increasing browsing speed and safety for users, while supporting content creators. We intend to let users “bring their own BTC” to self-fund their wallets and auto-micropay their favorite websites. The Coinbase Buy Widget will make it easy for Brave users to buy bitcoin, even if the user has zero experience with cryptocurrency.” — Brendan Eich, CEO Brave Software
The makers of BitQuest bring you a new minecraft experience, powered by a bitcoin economy
“With Hammercoin, our next generation bitcoin-powered minecraft experience, our most frequently asked question was “How do I get Bitcoin?” Most of them were buying for the first time, and there was no easy answer. With the Coinbase Buy Widget there’s finally a way that makes users comfortable.” — Cristián González, CEO Mego Games
A new monetization model for video producers: micropayments powered by Coinbase
“PopChest is the micropayments platform for video. We make it easy for content creators to offer their video in exchange for a micropayment rather than solely relying on advertising. We don’t force viewers to watch commercials before seeing the video they really want.
Coinbase opens up micropayments to a whole new audience. Our viewers can instantly get all the benefits of bitcoin without previously possessing or even knowing anything about the digital currency. This is a game changer for PopChest.” — Valerian Bennett, CEO