Bitcoin wallet Debian
- Create a Debian 8 backports template using the Qubes VM Manager or running qvm-clone debian-8 debian-8-backports in dom0.
- Add backports to the sources for the new template by opening a terminal in the new template, run sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list and add deb jessie-backports main.
(If you are new to vi text editing, type i to be able to edit, and when done editing press ESC then type :x and press ENTER.)
- Update source list: sudo apt-get update.
- Install electrum from backports: sudo apt-get -t jessie-backports install electrum.
- shut down your debian-8-backports template
- create an offline-bitcoin qube based on debian-8-backports using the Qubes VM Manager or running qvm-create -t debian-8-backports -l black offline-bitcoin and qvm-prefs -s offline-bitcoin netvm none in dom0.
- create a watching-bitcoin qubes based on debian-8-backports connecting to the internet how ever you prefer using the Qubes VM Manager or running for example qvm-create -t debian-8-backports -l green watching-bitcoin and qvm-prefs -s watching-bitcoin netvm sys-whonix in dom0.
Source: www.qubes-os.org