Bitcoin hashrate chart
When academics and journalists need information about the bitcoin ecosystem, they turn to our interactive charts. And they’re not alone; our charts have been a trusted, helpful research tool for millions across the globe. Today we’re highlighting 3 charts and sharing details about a recent update that allows you to better export and embed our charts. But first, onto the charts.
1. Number Of Transactions Excluding Chains Longer Than 100
By filtering out abnormally long transaction chains including activity made by exchanges, network spam, and mixing services, this chart is the most accurate when trying to understand transaction activity typical of normal users in any given time frame.
2. Transaction Rate
Transaction rate tells us how many transactions per second are added to the mempool (short for memory pool) of bitcoin transactions awaiting confirmation. When this number drastically increases or decreases from the typical rate, this can be an early indicator of an issue like network congestion, or a major wallet or exchange experiencing downtime.
3. Hash Rate
Bitcoin miners perform the core function of verifying and confirming transactions in a secure, decentralized, and timely way. And by studying the hash rate, we can get an overall sense for how much energy is being put towards securing the blockchain.
Easily export and display our charts
Wondering how to export and embed a chart? It’s simple! Start with our Market Price chart as an example. Choose a time frame on the bottom left and click on the Export button to the top-right of the page. From there you can choose to grab the embeddable URL version (Fixed Size) and display the chart directly, or export your chart and save it locally as an image file (Window Size). For any devs interested, the data from our charts and our new export feature are both powered by our Charts and Statistics API.
For Fixed Size, you can switch up the chart dimensions right in the URL or stick with one of the preset sizes in the dropdown menu. To customize the start date for your chart, convert your date to a Unix timestamp and swap out the current date for the new one.
Here’s an example customizing the start date with January 1, 2016 at 12:00:00 EST in Unix time (:
If you’d like a specific file type, Window Size will generate an image of your chart in PNG, JPEG, PDF, and SVG.
To learn more about some of our other charts, check out our post on five bitcoin charts you need to know about.
Let us know what you think of our new export feature, or if there’s another chart you’d like us to explain in a future post by commenting below, reaching out on Twitter or on Facebook